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Marble Wallet

Integrate Marble

The fastest way

to onboard

your users into web3

Marble is a fully customizable non-custodial wallet that takes seconds for your users to set up. No seed phrases or extensions needed.

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    Integrate Marble

The wallet that

makes crypto accessible

Onboard users in seconds

Simple login via email or phone number. No seed phrases or extensions necessary.


Marble uses client-side cryptography and multi-party computation to protect user assets.

Fully customizable

Marble’s Headless SDK for embeddable wallets makes it wicked easy to customize the wallet for your product.

Designed for developers

We’re building world-class APIs to make embedding Marble effortless.

Supporting multiple chains

We’re cross-chain first. Currently on Ethereum-compatible chains and soon expanding to the chain of your choice!

Cross-app compatibility

Marble is universally compatible across apps. No more app-specific addresses and accounts.

Check it out for yourself

Try Marble in our demo application here.

Minttweets screenshot

Integrate in


Embed Marble’s email-based non-custodial wallet
for the next generation of crypto users.

View Docs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 // Initialize Marble SDK const marbleSdk = new Marble( "<Client Key>", { network: "polygon", customConfig: { appName: "Instagram", style: { backgroundColor: "#000000", textColor: "#0C0C0C" } } );
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